Environmental Standards

Environmental Standards

  1. S.O.3305(E),[07/12/2015] – Environment Standards for Thermal power plants along with the corrigendum  size:( 1672.53 KB)
  2. S.O.4(E),[01/01/2016] – Environment Standards for Common Effluent Treatment Plants  size:( 200.46 KB)
  3. G.S.R.35(E),[14/01/2016] – Environment Standards for Sugar Industry  size:( 230.7 KB)
  4. G.S.R.281(E),[07/03/2016] – Environment Standards for Genset engines Dedicated LPG/CNG,Diesel and LPG/CNG & Petrol and LPG/CNG  size:( 312.26 KB)
  5. G.S.R.497(E),[10/05/2016] – Environment Standards for Cement plants with co-processing.  size:( 210.7 KB)
  6. G.S.R.496(E),[09/05/2016] – Environment Standards for Amendment to notification G.S.R. 612(E) dated 25/08/2014 for Cement Plants.  size:( 87.73 KB)
  7. G.S.R.612(E), [25/08/2014] – Environment Standards for Cement Plant.  size:( 394.09 KB)
  8. G.S.R.325(E), [07/05/2014] – Environment Standards for Dyes and Dye Intermediate Industry.   size:( 117.59 KB)
  9. G.S.R.232(E), [31/03/2014] – Extending Date of Implementation for Emission Limits for New Diesel Engine/Genset.  size:( 67.98 KB)
  10. G.S.R.229(E), [28/03/2014] – Omission of Quality Norms for Motor Gasoline, Diesel and 2T-Oil.  size:( 63.64 KB)
  11. G.S.R.771(E), [11/12/2013] – Emission Limits for New Diesel Engine up to 800 kW) for Generator Set (Genset) Application.   size:( 113.9 KB)
  12. G.S.R.535(E), [07/08/2013] – Emission Standards for New Generator Sets (up to 19 kilowatt) Run on Petrol and Kerosene.   size:( 267.02 KB)
  13. G.S.R. 176(E), [18/03/2013] – Noise Standards for Firecrackers – amendments.   size:( unknown file size)
  14. G.S.R. 820(E), [09/11/2012] – Environmental Standards for Petrochemical (Basic and Intermediates).   size:( 537.61 KB)
  15. G.S.R. 277(E), [31/03/2012] – Environmental Standards for Integrated Iron and Steel Plant.   size:( 548.83 KB)
  16. G.S.R. 266(E), [30/03/2012] – Environmental Standards for Electroplating, Anodizing Industry.  size:( 298.19 KB)
  17. G.S.R. 152(E), [16/03/2012] – Environmental Standards for Grain Processing, Flour Mills, Pulse Making or Grinding Mills.   size:( unknown file size)
  18. G.S.R. 446(E), [13/06/2011] – Environmental Standards for Pesticide Industry.  size:( 706.61 KB)
  19. G.S.R. 424(E), [01/06/2011] – Effluent Standards for Soda Ash Industry.   size:( 161.24 KB)
  20. G.S.R. 354(E), [02/05/2011] – Environmental Standards for Copper, Lead or Zinc Smelters (revised).   size:( 3904.65 KB)
  21. G.S.R. 221(E), [18/03/2011] – Environmental Standards for Rubber Processing and Rubber Product Industry.   size:( 1745.23 KB)
  22. G.S.R. 215(E), [15/03/2011] – Laboratories for Certification of Noise Limit for Generator Sets.  size:( 948.45 KB)
  23. G.S.R. 739(E), [09/09/2010] – Revision in Norms for Oil and Grease for CETP and General Standards (Schedule VI).   size:( 244.69 KB)
  24. G.S.R. 61(E), [05/02/2010] – Emission Standards for Plaster of Paris Industry.   size:( 859.23 KB)
  25. G.S.R. 1(E), [01/01/2010] – Environmental Standards for Cashew Seed Processing Industry.  size:( 1781.45 KB)
  26. G.S.R. 826(E), [16/11/2009] – Revised National Ambient Air Quality Standards   size:( 384.21 KB)
  27. G.S.R. 794(E), [4/11/2009] – Effluent Standards for Hotel Industry 
  28. G.S.R. 595(E), [21/08/2009] – Mass based Standards for SRU in Petroleum Oil Refinery   size:( 984.31 KB)
  29. G.S.R. 543(E), [22/07/2009] – Emission Standards for Brick Kiln Sector   size:( 67.98 KB)
  30. G.S.R. 512(E), [09/07/2009] – Effluent Standards for Pharmaceutical Industry   size:( 875.01 KB)
  31. G.S.R. 149(E), [04/03/2009] – Environmental Standards for Incineretor for Pharmaceutical Industry   size:( unknown file size)
  32. G.S.R. 97(E), [18/02/2009] – Environmental Standards for Refractory Industry   size:( 154.55 KB)
  33. G.S.R. 752(E), [24/10/2008] – Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2008.(DG Sets)   size:( 761.51 KB)
  34. G.S.R. 579(E), [6/08/2008] – Environmental Standards for Coffee Industry 
  35. G.S.R. 481(E), [26/06/2008] – Emission Standards for Common Hazardous Waste Incinerator   size:( 934.38 KB)
  36. G.S.R. 414(E), [30/05/2008] – Environmental Standards for Sponge Iron Plant   size:( 568.57 KB)
  37. G.S.R. 344(E), [07/05/2008] – Emission Standards for Sulphuric Acid Plant   size:( 836.32 KB)
  38. G.S.R. 186(E), [18/03/2008] – Environmental Standards for Petroleum Oil Refinery [Hindi]  size:( 4560.64 KB) & [English] Pdf size:( 1979.84 KB)
  39. G.S.R.566(E), [29/08/2007] – Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2007.(DG Sets)   size:( 307.27 KB)
  40. G.S.R.640(E), [16/10/2006] – The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 2006  size:( 32.81 KB)
  41. G.S.R.315(E), [16/05/2005] – Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 2005.  size:( 20.54 KB)
  42. G.S.R.464(E), [7/08/2006] – Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2006.(DG Sets)  size:( 98.03 KB)
  43. G.S.R.46(E), [3/02/2006] – Environment (Protection) Amendmendment, 2006.   size:( 159.49 KB)
  44. G.S.R.546(E), [30/08/2005] – Revised/New Environmental Standards for Pulp and Paper Industry, Guidelines for Disposal of Solid Waste, Drill Cuttings and Drilling Fluids for Offshore and Onshore Drilling Operation, Standards for Boilers using Agriculture Waste as Fuel and Guidelines for Pollution Control in Ginning Mills.  Pdf size:( 58.48 KB)
  45. G.S.R.272(E), [05/05/2005] – Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2005.
  46. G.S.R.448(E), [12/07/2004] – The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 2004(DG Sets)   size:( 36.32 KB)
  47. G.S.R.520(E), [1/07/2003] – The Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2003.(DG Sets)   size:( 14.73 KB)
  48. G.S.R.849(E), [30/12/2002] – The Environment (Protection) Fourth Amendment Rules, 2002   size:( 12.49 KB)
  49. G.S.R.489(E), [9/7/2002] – The Environment (Protection) Third Amendment Rules, 2002.
  50. G.S.R.371(E), [17/5/2002] – The Environment (Protection) Second Amendment Rules, 2002 (DG Sets)  size:( 16.19 KB)
  51. G.S.R.682(E), [5/10/1999] – The Environment (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1999, except para 2(ii) relative to Soda Ash Industry.[html].
  52. G.S.R.7, [22/12/1998] – The Environment (Protection) (Second Amendment) Rules, 1998   size:( 52.17 KB)