
Notifications issued by Jharkhand Government for control of Noise Pollution

Sl. No. Date Descriptions Downloads
01 26.02.2024 Notice Regarding Recruitment Download Pdf       
02 26.02.2024 Notice Regarding Battery Download        
03 Jharkhand IAS Officers wives Association (JIASOWA) Download        
04 Jharkhand IAS Officers wives Association (JIASOWA) Download        
05 Dugra Puja Notice Download        
06 Declaration of Residential Areas in Ranchi and prescribed Noise limit Download        size:(364.73 KB)
07 Declaration of 100 Meter area of Hon'ble Jharkhnad High as Silence Zone and prescribed Noise limit Download        size:(155.05 KB)
08 Declaration of 100 Meter area of District Court & Court of Practice of the state as Silence Zone and prescribed Noise limit. Download        size:(347.98 KB)
09 Declaration of 100 Meter area of all hospital of the state with 50 or more beds which are registered in Ayushman Bharat scheme as Silence Zone and prescribed Noise limit Download        size:(723.8 KB)
10 Prescribed Noise limit of Industrial,commercial & Residential areas of Jharkhand Download        size:(386.63 KB)
11 Officer authorized for maintainance of Air Quality standards in respect of Noise Download       size:(102.91 KB)
12 Declaration of 100 Meter area of all 26 hospital of Ranchi and 40 hospitals of Deoghar,Dumka, East Singhbhum, Dhanbad ,Hazaribagh and Palamu as Silence Zone and prescribed Noise limit Download     size:(1131.76 KB)
13 Declaration of Jharkhnad Bidhan Sabha,Ranchi, Project Building, Ranchi,Nepal House,Ranchi as silence zone and prescribed Noise limit Download        size:(374.45 KB)
14 Declaration of 77 old & new different Industrial Zones under Jharkhand Indistrial Area Development Authority, RIADA Bhawan, Namkum and prescribed Noise limit Download    size:(1005.56 KB)
15 Notification regarding height of chimney of DG Set in Educational Institution. Download        size:(151.7 KB)
B-04 04/02/2019 Office order No.- 04 Validity of CTO for 05 years. Download        size:(283.7 KB)
B-01 04/01/2019 Office order No.-1 Auto-renewal of CTO Download        size:(24.19 KB)
B-46 22/11/2018 Notification for uploading required documents for obtaining CTE/CTO/Authorization Download        size:(125.64 KB)
B-26 30/08/2018 Site inspection of Red and Orange category of Industry up to investment Rs. 02 Crores and of Green Ctaegory Industry up investment Rs. 04 crores will done by the committee at Regional office level and for investment above than this one member of the committee will be from Head office Download        size:(23.14 KB)
B-25 30/08/2018 It is mandatory to mention Latitude and Longitude of at least three points while submitting application forCTE/CTO/Authorization/Rgistration Download        size:(13.12 KB)
B-21 30/08/2018 Fee for "No increase in pollution load" certificate Download        size:(14.07 KB)
B-20 30/08/2018 If more than 04 Stone crusher industries will be present in an area within the distance of 500 meters then this will be treated as cluster and in such case before establishing new cusher unit or expanding capacity of old units Ambient quality monitoring report of the area will be necessary to submit. Download        size:(15.86 KB)
2346 04/06/2018 District level Monitoring Committee for Fly Ash Utilization Download       size:(866.89 KB)
B-41 18/05/2018 Additional iIndustries categorize under Res/Orange/Green/exempted Download       size:(632.21 KB)
B-1966 18/10/2017 Notification Regarding:
(a) Units covered under EIA Notification,2006 are exempted from CTE guidelines
(b) Units established in Notified Industrial Area/ Estate are exempted from these guidelines.
(c) Hotels,Hospitals/Nursing Homes,,Automobile Servicing Stations, Printing Press,Laundary (excluding Boiler) will be exempted from CTE guidelines.
(d) CTE applications for units mentioned in 3 (a) will be considered after submission of NOC from Urban Local Body/Authority or Circle Officer, as applicable, with adequate pollution control arrangements.
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B-2081 12/12/2017 Notice for industries to obtain the consent to operate from the Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board u/s 25 of Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and u/s 21 of the air(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. Download         size:
B-13 25/09/2017 Submission of inspection report of industry including analysis report(s) of Air/Water sample(s),if any within 48 hrs.(two working days).. Download         size:(14.87 KB)
B-29012 29/06/2017 Notice for Industries Download         size:(357.89 KB)
B-1429 27/06/2017 Notice to Hotels Download         size:(1040.81 KB)
B-3038 07/06/2016 Grant of registration certificate-cum-pass book for recycling of Hazardous Wastes-regarding Download         size:(1282.51 KB)
G - 1143 26/04/2016 Grant of registration certificate-cum-pass Book for recycling of Hazardious Wastes-regarding. Download         size:(641.82 KB)
B-2317 28/03/2016 Invitation of Expression of interest and RPF for Inventorisation of E – Waste in 24 Districts of Jharkhand. Download         size:(259.19 KB)
B-15 11/12/2015 CTE period revised to 05 years for the project which require environment and forest clearance. Download         size:(1282.51 KB)
B-12 07/12/2015 Minimum distance of battery of Stone Mines and Crusher revised. Download         size:(180.95 KB)
B-4862 30/11/2015 Auto renewal of CTE . Download         size:(266.4 KB)
B-10 09/09/2015 Solar PV Power Projects exempted from obtaining CTE/CTO irrespective of investment . Download         size:(175.24 KB)
B-46 15/06/2015 On the receipt of complaints surprise inspection of industries will be done by the permission of Head office. Download         size:(1075.82 KB)
G-1358 01/05/2015 Green Categories of industries do not require environment clearance. Download         size:(167.64 KB)
B-06 15/06/2015 Validity of CTO and Timeline for inspection of Different Categories of Industries (Red, Orange, Green). Download         size:(231.19 KB)
B-592 10/03/2015 From 1st April,2015 online submission of CTE/CTO application made mandatory. Download         size:(174.32 KB)
B-45 15/06/2015 Applications for CTE,CTO and Authorizations are received online and certificates are issued online through OCMMS and generation of online register in OCMMS. Download         size:(368.64 KB)
B-2170 29/06/2015 Auto renewal of CTO. Download         size:(212.88 KB)
B-14 11/12/2015 The same inspector of the Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board will not inspect an industry consecutively. Download         size:( 175.45 KB)
B-81 16/08/2013 Green Categories of industries with investment on plant & machinery(DG set is not included) up to 50 lacs are exempted from obtaining NOC(CTE) Download         size:( 296.02 KB)
B-01 01/01/2013 Classification of Industries Download         size:( 3738.24 KB)
B-1784 19/01/2012 Guideline for Iron Ore Crushers Download         size:( 174.45 KB)

Sl. No. Date Descriptions Downloads
B-2081 12/12/2017 Notice for industries to obtain the consent to operate from the Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board u/s 25 of Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and u/s 21 of the air(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. Download         size:(174.45 KB)
B-01 01/01/2013 Classification of Industries Download         size:(3738.24 KB)
B-13 25/09/2017 Submission of inspection report of industry including analysis report(s) of Air/Water sample(s),if any within 48 hrs.(two working days).. Download  size:(14.87 KB)
B-29012 29/06/2017 Notice for Industries Download  size:(357.89 KB)
B-1429 27/06/2017 Notice to Hotels Download  size:( 1040.81 KB)
B-3038 07/06/2016 Grant of registration certificate-cum-pass book for recycling of Hazardous Wastes-regarding Download  size:(666.35 KB)
G - 1143 26/04/2016 Grant of registration certificate-cum-pass Book for recycling of Hazardious Wastes-regarding. Download  size:(641.82 KB)
B-2317 28/03/2016 Invitation of Expression of interest and RPF for Inventorisation of E – Waste in 24 Districts of Jharkhand. Download  size:( 259.19 KB)
B-15 11/12/2015 CTE period revised to 05 years for the project which require environment and forest clearance. Download  size:( 1282.51 KB)
B-12 07/12/2015 Minimum distance of battery of Stone Mines and Crusher revised. Download  size:( 180.95 KB)
B-4862 30/11/2015 Auto renewal of CTE . Download  size:( 266.4 KB)
B-10 09/09/2015 Solar PV Power Projects exempted from obtaining CTE/CTO irrespective of investment . Download  size:( 175.24 KB)
B-46 15/06/2015 On the receipt of complaints surprise inspection of industries will be done by the permission of Head office. Download  size:( 1075.82 KB)
G-1358 01/05/2015 Green Categories of industries do not require environment clearance. Download  size:( 167.64 KB)
B-06 15/06/2015 Validity of CTO and Timeline for inspection of Different Categories of Industries (Red, Orange, Green). Download  size:( 231.19 KB)
B-592 10/03/2015 From 1st April,2015 online submission of CTE/CTO application made mandatory. Download  size:( 174.32 KB)
B-1784 19/01/2012 Guideline for Iron Ore Crushers Download  size:( 599.5 KB)
B-81 16/08/2013 Green Categories of industries with investment on plant & machinery(DG set is not included) up to 50 lacs are exempted from obtaining NOC(CTE) Download  size:( 296.02 KB)
B-45 15/06/2015 Applications for CTE,CTO and Authorizations are received online and certificates are issued online through OCMMS and generation of online register in OCMMS. Download  size:( 368.84 KB)
B-2170 29/06/2015 Auto renewal of CTO. Download  size:( 212.88 KB)
B-14 11/12/2015 The same inspector of the Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board will not inspect an industry consecutively. Download  size:( 175.45 KB)