Whats New


Sr. Title Publish Date
1 Jharkhand High Court Order on Noise Pollution PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) New icons 18-12-2023
2 Public Hearing of Paharpur Stone Mines PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) New icons 15-12-2023
3 Public Hearing for M/s Gajanan Ferro Pvt. Ltd. located Village-Kadambeda, District-Singhbhum, Jharkhand PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) New icons 11-12-2023
4 Public Hearing for M/s Tulshyan Metals Private Limited, Village: Gajhandi Road, Gumo Jhumritelaiya, P.S. Koderma, Dist: Koderma, Jharkhand PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) New icons 11-12-2023
5 Public Hearing of M/s Shah Sponge and Power Ltd. located at Village: Juri, P.O. Hata, Dist: East Singhbhum, Jharkhand PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) New icons 28-11-2023
6 Monitoring and enforcement mechanism for the SOP/ environmental safeguards issued for (i) Extraction or sourcing or borrowing of ordinary earth for the linear projects such as roads, pipelines, etc. and (ii) dredging and de-silting of dams, reservoirs, PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) 24-11-2023
7 Guidelines on Bursting Firecrackers PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) 10-11-2023
8 Public Hearing for Proposed Enhancement of Ferro Alloy Plant by M/s Gajanan Ferro Pvt. Ltd. at Village Kadambeda, Dist.- East Singhbhum, Jharkhand PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) 10-11-2023
9 Important instructions regarding Installation of PM10 Analyzers   PDF file size:( 41.65 KB) 08-11-2023
10 Guidelines for idol immersion   PDF file size:( 158.5 KB) 20-10-2023
11 Public notice for registration of Battery Producer, Recyclers, Refurbisher   PDF file size:( 473.84 KB) 18-08-2023
12 SOP for Registration of Producers through the Online Portal under Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022   PDF file size:( 503.98 KB) 01-07-2023
13 Instruction Sheet for EPR   PDF file size:( 6377.15 KB) 06-12-2022
14 Notice for Industries for submitting compliance of CTE/CTO/EC through compliance module of JSPCB online consent management portal   PDF file size:( 81.04 KB) 10-07-2020
15 Fee for the Registration of Dealers of Batteries   PDF file size:( 17.28 KB) 01-12-2019
16 Hike in fee for public hearing   PDF file size:( 17.18 KB) 07-01-2019
17 Auto renewal of CTO   PDF file size:( 24.19 KB) 07-01-2019
18 Hike in fee for monitoring of AAQ, Effluent & Noise level   PDF file size:( 16.21 KB) 07-01-2019
19 Hike in fee of CTE, CTO & Authorization   PDF file size:( 16.28 KB) 07-01-2019
20 Appointment of Board Analyst in Jharkhand State Pollution Control Board   PDF file size:( 292.55 KB) 13-06-2019
21 Notice for all Health Care Facilities (HCFs)   PDF file size:( 138.04 KB) 06-07-2019
22 Notice to all industries for applying for Stack Emission monitoring, AAQ Monitoring,Effluent analysis and Noise level monitoring through Single Window   PDF file size:( 99.34 KB) 06-08-2019
23 Bio-Medical Waste Management- A brief for Medicos 01-04-2019